Frequently asked questions

What our users ask more frequently, reach out if you have another questions!

What happens when my account reaches its monthly PDF count limit?

Before that happens the system will email you about your account approaching the limit. We will be notified too and will contact you in order to understand if switching to a bigger plan is necessary. Only after that the subscription will be disabled. You will have all the time necessary to take action.

I am a company based in EU. Do you manage to add EU taxes details in my invoices? is a service provided by a Italian company. So we are going to comply with EU rules and add details about how we manage VAT taxes. Obviously, we will add your and our EU VAT tax number in the invoice details. If you have needs for some customization let us know.

Are you going to provide an endpoint in ____ Azure data center?

We will consider setting up additional endpoints if customers will ask for (even a few will do), so please let your voice come to us!

Can I use javascript in the web page to convert to PDF?

Yes you can but please try to avoid making Ajax calls since it's not efficient at all and can lead to errors in creating the PDF.